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Paper titled 'A Scalable System for Visual Analysis of Ocean Data' co-authored by Toshit Jain, Upkar Singh, Varun Singh, Vijay Kumar Boda, Ingrid Hotz, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, P. N. Vinayachandran, and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in Computer Graphics Forum.
Amritendu Dhar presented results of a paper titled Geometric Localization of Homology Cycles at ComPer 2024: The 4th Workshop on Computational Persistence. This was joint work with Vijay Natarajan and Abhishek Rathod.
Paper titled 'A Ridge-based Approach for Extraction and Visualization of 3D Atmospheric Fronts' co-authored by Anne Gossing, Andreas Beckert, Christoph Fischer, Nicolas Klenert, Vijay Natarajan, George Pacey, Thorwin Vogt, Marc Rautenhaus, and Daniel Baum is selected for the Best Short Paper Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2024
Paper titled 'A Ridge-based Approach for Extraction and Visualization of 3D Atmospheric Fronts' co-authored by Anne Gossing, Andreas Beckert, Christoph Fischer, Nicolas Klenert, Vijay Natarajan, George Pacey, Thorwin Vogt, Marc Rautenhaus, and Daniel Baum is accepted for publication at IEEE VIS 2024 as a short paper.
Paper titled 'Fast Algorithms for Minimum Homology Basis’ co-authored by Amritendu Dhar, Vijay Natarajan, and Abhishek Rathod is accepted for publication in Discrete and Computational Geometry.
Paper titled 'Time-varying Extremum Graphs’ co-authored by Somenath Das, Raghavendra G. Sridharamurthy, and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in Computer Graphics Forum.
Continuous Scatterplot Operators for Bivariate Analysis and Study of Electronic Transitions receives Replicability Stamp.
Paper titled 'Geometric Localization of Homology Cycles’ co-authored by Amritendu Dhar, Vijay Natarajan, and Abhishek Rathod is accepted for publication at CCCG 2024 : Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry.
Congratulations to Mohit Sharma for successfully defending his PhD thesis titled Topological Structures and Operators for Bivariate Data Visualization.
Vishali S. is awarded the Axis Bank PhD Fellowship. Congratulations!
Bangalore VIS Workshop held on Sept. 29, 2023. This is an annual joint workshop between the research groups at IISc Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore. The workshop was held online this year. This edition of the workshop featured talks on ocean data visualization, metavisualization, visualization of eye tracking data, and computation and comparison of topological descriptors.
TACHYON: Efficient Shared Memory Parallel Computation of Extremum Graphs receives Replicability Stamp.
Paper titled pyParaOcean: A system for Visual Analysis of Ocean Data co-authored by Toshit Jain, Varun Singh, Vijay Kumar Boda, Upkar Singh, Ingrid Hotz, P. N. Vinayachandran, and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication at EnvirVis 2023.
Paper titled TACHYON: Efficient shared memory parallel computation of extremum graphs co-authored by Abhijath Ande, Varshini Subhash, and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in Computer Graphics Forum, 2023.
Paper titled Continuous Scatterplot Operators for Bivariate Analysis and Study of Electronic Transitions co-authored by Mohit Sharma, Talha Bin Masood, Signe S. Thygesen, Mathieu Linares, Ingrid Hotz and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in IEEE TVCG, 2023.
Congratulations to Raghavendra for successfully defending his PhD thesis titled Comparative Analysis of Topological Structures.
Amritendu Shekhar Dhar is awarded Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF). Congratulations!.
Bangalore VIS Workshop held on Sept. 24, 2022. This is an annual joint workshop between IISc Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore. The workshop was held online this year. Students and researchers working in the broad area of visualization and geometry processing from both universities gave talks describing their research results. Alumni also joined the workshop and talked about the usefulness of visualization techniques in industry.
Paper titled A GPU Parallel Algorithm for Computing Morse-Smale Complexes co-authored by Varshini Subhash, Karran Pandey and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in IEEE TVCG, 2022.
Paper titled Level of Detail Exploration of Electronic Transition Ensembles using Hierarchical Clustering co-authored by Signe Sidwall Thygesen, Talha Bin Masood, Mathieu Linares, Vijay Natarajan, and Ingrid Hotz is accepted for publication in EuroVis, 2022.
Paper titled Front and Skeleton Features Based Methods for Tracking Salinity Propagation in the Ocean co-authored by Upkar Singh, T.M. Dhipu, P. N. Vinayachandran and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in Computers & Geosciences, 2022.
Paper titled Comparative Analysis of Merge Trees using Local Tree Edit Distance co-authored by Raghavendra Sridharamurthy and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in IEEE TVCG, 2022.
Paper titled Morse theory-based segmentation and fabric quantification of granular materials co-authored by Karran Pandey, Talha Bin Masood, Saurabh Singh, Ingrid Hotz, Vijay Natarajan, and Tejas G. Murthy is accepted for publication in Granular Matter, 2022.
Indo-Swedish joint network project website released. The website can be accessed at url https://vgl.csa.iisc.ac.in/indoswedishproject/
Paper titled Segmentation Driven Peeling for Visual Analysis of Electronic Transitions co-authored by Mohit Sharma, Talha Bin Masood, Signe S. Thygesen, Mathieu Linares, Ingrid Hotz and Vijay Natarajan is accepted at IEEE VIS 2021.
Bangalore VIS Workshop held on July 17, 2021. This is an annual joint workshop between IISc Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore. The workshop was held online this year. Students and researchers working in the broad area of visualization and geometry processing from both universities gave talks describing their research results. Alumni also joined the workshop and talked about the usefulness of visualization techniques in industry.
Paper titled Scalar Field Comparison with Topological Descriptors: Properties and Applications for Scientific Visualization co-authored by Lin Yan, Talha Bin Masood, Raghavendra Sridharamurthy, Farhan Rasheed, Vijay Natarajan, Ingrid Hotz and Bei Wang is accepted to EuroVis 2021 STAR.
Paper titled Visual Analysis of Electronic Densities and Transitions in Molecules co-authored by Talha Bin Masood, Signe Sidwall Thygesen, Mathieu Linares, Alexei I. Abrikosov, Vijay Natarajan, and Ingrid Hotz is accepted to EuroVis 2021.
Varshini will give a talk describing the paper titled GPU Parallel Computation of Morse-Smale Complexes in ARCS 2021 : Academic Research and Careers for Students Symposium. This paper co-authored by Varshini Subhash, Karran Pandey and Vijay Natarajan appeared in IEEE VIS 2020 Short Paper Proceedings.
Paper titled GPU Parallel Computation of Morse-Smale Complexes co-authored by Varshini Subhash, Karran Pandey and Vijay Natarajan is accepted for publication in IEEE VIS 2020 Short Paper Proceedings.
Bangalore VIS Workshop held on June 25, 2020. This is an annual joint workshop between IISc Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore. The workshop was held online this year. Students and researchers working in the broad area of visualization and geometry processing from both universities gave talks describing their research results.
Paper titled Parallel Computation of Alpha Complexes for Biomolecules co-authored by Talha Bin Masood, Tathagata Ray, and Vijay Natarajan accepted for publication in Computational Geometry : Theory and Applications.
Paper titled Adaptive and Efficient Transfer for Online Remote Visualization of Critical Weather Applications co-authored by Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, and Sathish S. Vadhiyar is accepted for publication at the International Conference on Computational Science, 2020.
Paper titled Parallel Computation of Alpha Complexes for Biomolecules co-authored by Talha Bin Masood, Tathagata Ray, and Vijay Natarajan accepted for publication at SoCG 2020.
The following two papers will be presented at TopoInVis 2019 in Nyköping, Sweden.

Tripti Agarwal, Amit Chattopadhyay, and Vijay Natarajan
Topological Feature Search in Time-Varying Multifield Data.

Adhitya Kamakshidasan and Vijay Natarajan
Treemap based Exploration of Merge Trees.
Bangalore VIS Workshop was held in IISc on Feb 23, 2019. This is an annual joint workshop between IISc Bangalore and IIIT Bangalore. Students and researchers from both universities gave talks and demos describing their research results.
Paper entitled On-demand augmentation of contour trees co-authored by Mohit Sharma and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted for publication in Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing.
Paper entitled Edit distance between merge trees co-authored by Raghavendra Sridharamurthy, Talha Bin Masood, Adhitya Kamakshidasan and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics.
Paper entitled An exploratory framework for cyclone identification and tracking co-authored by Akash Anil Valsangkar, Joy Merwin Monteiro, Vidya Narayanan, Ingrid Hotz and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics.
Raghavendra and Adhitya's poster entitled Edit distances for comparing merge trees wins the Best Poster Award in the SciVis track at IEEE VIS 2017.
Raghavendra and Adhitya's poster entitled Edit distances for comparing merge trees has been accepted for presentation at IEEE SciVis 2017.
Nithin has been selected for Best PhD Thesis Award from the Department of Computer Science and Automation for his thesis entitled Morse-Smale complexes: Computation and applications. He will receive the award during the convocation ceremony on July 5, 2017. He had earlier received the IBM Outstanding PhD thesis award also.
Paper entitled Computing contour trees for 2D piecewise polynomial functions co-authored by Girijanandan Nucha, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted at EuroVis, 2017.
Nithin was awarded IBM Outstanding PhD thesis award for his thesis entitled Morse-Smale complexes: Computation and applications.
Vijay Natarajan has been awarded the DST Swarnajayanti Fellowship 2015-16. Under this scheme, a selected number of young scientists, with proven track record, are provided special assistance and support to enable them to pursue basic research in frontier areas of science and technology.
Talha Bin Masood won the best poster presesntation award for his poster entitled Geometric and topological methods for visualizing channel and cavity structures in biomolecules, in the Doctoral symposium of ICVGIP 2016.
IISc logo landscape created by Talha Bin Masood and Akash Anil Valsangkar was featured on IISc website as a part of IISc Research Insignia series. More details are available here.
Paper entitled Approximation algorithms for Max Morse matching co-authored by Abhishek Rathod, Talha Bin Masood and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted for publication in Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications.
The book chapter entitled Extraction of robust voids and pockets in proteins was featured as the cover image of the book Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences III, Springer-Verlag, Mathematics and Visualization Series, 2016.
Paper entitled Efficient software for programmable visual analysis using Morse-Smale complexes co-authored by Nithin Shivashankar and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted as a book chapter in Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization IV, Springer-Verlag, Mathematics and Visualization Series, 2016.
Paper entitled Extraction of Robust Voids and Pockets in Proteins co-authored by Raghavendra Sridharamurthy, Talha Bin Masood, Harish Doraiswamy, Siddharth Patel, Raghavan Varadarajan, and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted for publication as a book chapter in Mathematical Methods for Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Mathematics and Visualization Series, 2016.
Paper entitled An integrated geometric and topological approach to connecting cavitites in biomolecules co-authored by Talha Bin Masood and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted at IEEE PacificVis, 2016.
Paper entitled MS3ALIGN: An efficient molecular surface aligner using the topology of surface curvature co-authored by Nithin Shivashankar, Amrisha Bhosle, Sonali Patil, Nagasuma Chandra and Vijay Natarajan, has been accepted for publication in BMC Bioinformatics. The software is available at here.
IBM awarded Dilip an award for Best PhD Thesis from CSA for his work on Symmetry in Scalar Fields. The award was awarded jointly to Dilip Thomas and P. Balamurugan.
Paper entitled Felix: A topology based framework for visual exploration of cosmic filaments co-authored by Nithin Shivashankar, Pratyush Pranav, Vijay Natarajan, Rien van de Weygaert, E. G. Patrick Bos, and Steven Rieder has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics.
Paper entitled Clustering moment invariants to identify similarity within 2D flow fields co-authored by Roxana Bujack, Jens Kasten, Vijay Natarajan, Gerik Scheuermann and Kenneth Joy has been accepted as a short paper in EuroVis 2015.
Paper entitled ChExVis: a tool for molecular channel extraction and visualization co-authored by Talha Bin Masood, Sankaran Sandhya, Nagasuma Chandra and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted for publication in BMC Bioinformatics. The software is available at here.
Paper entitled Efficient computational topology software for in-situ programmable visual analysis co-authored by Nithin Shivashankar and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted at workshop on Topology-Based Methods in Visualization (TopoInVis), 2015. More details about the software available here.
Paper entitled Distance between Extremum Graphs co-authored by Vidya Narayanan, Dilip Mathew Thomas and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted at Pacific Vis, 2015.
Paper entitled A parallel and memory efficient algorithm for constructing the contour tree co-authored by Aditya Acharya and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted at Pacific Vis, 2015.
Paper entitled Facet-JFA: Faster computation of discrete Voronoi diagrams co-authored by Talha Bin Masood, Hari Krishna Malladi and Vijay Natarajan has been accepted at ICVGIP, 2014.
Paper entitled An interactive framework for reconstructing 3D neuronal structures co-authored by Kanuj Kumar, Vijay Natarajan, S.K. Sikdar and Kalyan V. Srinivas has been accepted at ICVGIP, 2014.
Dilip was awarded with Best presentation award for his talk on Symmetry Detection in Scalar Fields at Fifth Electrical Sciences Symposium, IISc.
Paper entitled Efficient homology computations on multicore and manycore systems, co-authored by N. Anurag Murty, Vijay Natarajan, and Sathish S. Vadhiyar, has been accepted at HiPC 2013.
Paper entitled Detecting symmetry in scalar fields using augmented extremum graphs, co-authored by Dilip Mathew Thomas and Vijay Natarajan, has been accepted at IEEE SciVis 2013.
Paper entitled An exploration framework to identify and track movements of cloud systems, co-authored by Harish Doraiswamy, Vijay Natarajan, and Ravi Nanjundiah, has been accepted at IEEE SciVis 2013.
Paper on A diffusion-based processor reallocation strategy for tracking multiple dynamically varying weather phenomena co-authored by Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar, and Ravi Nanjundiah accepted at ICPP 2013.
Talha Bin Masood awarded the Microsoft Research India Ph.D. Fellowship, 2013. Talha works in the area of macromolecular visualization.
Paper on Topological Saliency by Harish Doraiswamy, Nithin Shivashankar, Vijay Natarajan, and Yusu Wang accepted for publication in Computers & Graphics.
Paper on Extraction of robust voids and pockets in proteins co-authored by Raghavendra G.S., Harish Doraiswamy, Siddharth Patel, Raghavan Varadarajan, and Vijay Natarajan accepted as a short paper at EuroVis 2013.
Talha and Dilip's paper entitled Scalar Field Visualization via Extraction of Symmetric Structures has been accepted for presentation at CGI 2013. This paper will also be published in a CGI special issue of the Visual Computer Journal published by Springer Verlag.
IISc has promoted Vijay Natarajan to Associate Professor in CSA.
Preeti Malakar's proposal Integrated Parallelization of Computation and Visualization for Large-scale Weather Applications accepted for presentation at the SC 2012 Dissertation Research Showcase
Senthilnathan and Harish's paper on A Hybrid Parallel Algorithm for Computing and Tracking Level Set Topology has been accepted for publication at HiPC 2012.
Preeti's paper on A Divide and Conquer Strategy for Scaling Weather Simulations with Multiple Regions of Interest gets accepted at SC IEEE conference and is also selected as a finalist for the Best Student Paper Award.
Preeti presented a poster on Integrated Parallelization of Computations and Visualization for Large-scale Applications at IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2012 PhD Forum.
Harish's paper on Computing Reeb Graphs as a Union of Contour Trees has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Nithin's paper on Parallel Computation of 3D Morse-Smale Complexes has been accepted for presentation at EuroVis 2012.
Dilip's paper entitled Mesh simplification based on edge collapsing could improve computational efficiency in near infrared optical tomographic imaging has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected topics in Quantum Electronics.
Nithin, Senthil and Vijay's paper on Parallel Computation of 2D Morse-Smale Complexes has been accepted for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Vijay Natarajan has been selected for Indian National Academy of Engineering Young Engineer Award in Computer Science for the year 2011.
Harish's poster on Computing Reebgraph as a union of Contour Trees is accepted for presentation at VIS 2011.
Dilip's paper on Symmetry in Scalar Field Topology is accepted for presentation at VIS 2011.
Paper by Suthambhara, Vijay Natarajan, and Ravi Nanjundiah titled "A Gradient-Based Comparison Measure for Visual analysis of Multifield Data" wins third best paper award at EuroVis 2011. The paper was selected from 54 papers presented at the conference, which were in turn selected from a total of 194 submissions.
Vijay Natarajan has been selected for MSR India Outstanding Young Faculty Award for the year 2011.
Suthambhara's paper on A gradient-based comparison measure for visual analysis of multifield data is accepted for presentation at EuroVis 2011.
Preeti Malakar has been awarded the Google India Women in Engineering Award 2011. The Google India Women in Engineering Award was instituted in 2008 to recognize and reward deserving women students in Computer Science and related majors, and inspire them to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.
Harish and Vijay's paper on Output-sensitive construction of Reeb graphs has been accepted for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Dilip's poster titled Feature Preserving Mesh Simplification was the second runner up at the Ph.D. poster presentation competition held during Microsoft's TechVista 2011, Pune.
A C++ library to compute Reeb graph of a scalar function defined on a simplicial mesh is released under LGPL 3.
A Java library to compute Reeb graph of a scalar function defined on a simplicial mesh is released under LGPL 3.
A refurbished VGL web site is now up.