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Tracking Salinity Propagation - Methods and scripts for tracking salinity movement in the ocean.

The availability of scalar field tracking methods and frameworks is paramount to understanding various physical phenomena. Understanding the movement of features in scalar fields helps understand hurricanes, eddies, cyclones, etc. Visualization frameworks for such studies help domain scientists get a better understanding of physical features and phenomena. We provide 3 separate methods and implementations that can be used to track scalar features over time and visually analyze and extract the paths followed by features in scalar fields.
1) The front-based method extracts surface fronts and tracks them over time. This method is also available as a filter along with pyParaOcean.
2) The advection-based method extracts features based on salinity advection and tracks them over time.
3) The skeleton-based method extracts topological skeletons from scalar fields and tracks them over time.

Source code and instructions on bitbucket here.


  1. Upkar Singh, P. N. Vinayachandran, and Vijay Natarajan.
    Advection-Based Tracking and Analysis of Salinity Movement in the Indian Ocean
    Computers & Geosciences, 182, 2024, 105493:1–10.
    [Elsevier link]
  2. Upkar Singh, T.M. Dhipu, P. N. Vinayachandran and Vijay Natarajan.
    Front and Skeleton Features Based Methods for Tracking Salinity Propagation in the Ocean
    Computers & Geosciences, 159, 2022, 104993:1-9.
    [Elsevier link]