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Relation-aware isosurface extraction in multi-field data.

Suthambhara N. and Vijay Natarajan.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(2), 2011, 182-191.


We introduce a variation density function that profiles the relationship between multiple scalar fields over isosurfaces of a given scalar field. This profile serves as a valuable tool for multi-field data exploration because it provides the user with cues to identify interesting isovalues of scalar fields. Existing isosurface-based techniques for scalar data exploration like Reeb graphs, contour spectra, isosurface statistics, etc., study a scalar field in isolation. We argue that the identification of interesting isovalues in a multi-field data set should necessarily be based on the interaction between the different fields. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to explore data from a wide variety of applications.